Friday, May 10, 2024

Alberta Trip 2023 Day 3 Wednesday June 7 Calgary to Edmonton


This is the 3rd of a series of posts dealing with my 2023 trip to Calgary, Edmonton, and vicinity. I’ve made minor corrections to these reports (typos, bits I don’t feel like making public). Also, I’ve added additional thoughts with the hindsight of a year later or to add further clarification. These are indicated by “NOW”.


Most days I won't bother with morning editions but I'm trying to pace myself for the first part of the day.


Last night I determined where the bus stop is given the construction. A block away. I had partial insomnia due to fatigue poisons but managed to fall asleep around midnight.


At 4:30ish the same musical alarm went off. Something like "Be a be a be a [illegible word], [illegible phrase], be a be a be a [same illegible word] DAHL-ing!" It turned out not to be from the person above me but a Private room next door. I knocked; no answer. Wasn't able to reach a worker. I finally checked the door. It was unlocked and turned out to be a lost and found. I found the phone making the music. I tried turning it off. Instead that took a picture but also turned off the alarm.


[NOW: I was staying at the Calgary Hub hostel.]


Too awake, I rested in bed until almost 6 and then walked to the same A&W as day 1 (on McKnight). Also the way I passed a house with staircase to the entrance with railings. On top of each railing was a magpie. A&W didn't fully open until 7 but I got breakfast via drive through and then walked back to the hostel. Along the way I saw likely the same rabbit as Monday.


[NOW: The above was written in the morning. The rest was written in the evening.]


I chatted with someone at Calgary Hub hostel and then headed to the bus. I just missed a bus and had to wait half an hour for the next one (4 Calgary Transit). Downtown, I saw a group of people with luggage at the stop the Rider Express would stop at if not for construction. Correctly guessing they were waiting for the next bus, I told them where the temporary stop was. Probably due to construction the Rider Express bus was late but finally arrived. A ten minute pause at a later Calgary stop as the driver worked on his work phone further delayed things. The bus worked its way to Red Deer, where there was a 15 minute rest stop at a Tim Horton's. To make up some lost time I bought a sandwich there.


The bus finally made it to Southgate Station in Edmonton and I bought a daypass. All remaining transit today Edmonton Transit. A woman gave me wrong info as to which train to catch but I noticed in time. I took a Capital Line train to Health Sciences/Jubilee Station and worked my way to the hostel, HI Edmonton. I was going to get an upper bunk but I asked to give me a lower bunk instead despite the lower headroom; things tend to fall from upper bunks. That arranged, I dropped off some stuff and headed east. One guy gave me a minor hassle re: the camera.


After a bit of a wait I took a 523 bus down south. I found where Page Turners Bookshop was supposed to be but only saw a Farmers Market not open today. I arrived back at the next 523 bus stop just as it arrived and took it to Mill Woods Transit Centre. Inside Mill Woods Town Centre I visited Warp 3 Comics & Games and Revolver (DVDs), and snapped a few statue photos. Back at the transit centre I took a 56 bus west.


[NOW: Page Turners was likely inside the market. Regardless, it’s now closed but may reopen at another location later.]


I grabbed a Slurpee at a 7-11 and then visited Rolling Tales. I took another 56 bus to West Edmonton Mall Transit Centre. I needed to shave things off to make up for earlier delays and already planned to do a longer visit to the mall Saturday, so that's what I dropped from today.


I took a 915 bus to Jasper Place Transit Centre. As I was exiting a guy asked me what I was taking photos of. I explained I photograph my vacation but I sensed he didn't believe me. As I arrived at Just For Fun Video games a police car pulled up at the same strip mall and was still there when I left. Might be a coincidence but either way I wasn't approached about my photography.


I walked to Variant Editions Comics & Games, which was in a construction zone. Rather than tempt fate by returning to Jasper Place, I instead walked to Record Collectors Paradise. I took a 901 bus downtown. I thought I found an active light rail station but it was actually a testing area for an upcoming new route. I walked a ways further to Churchill Station and took a Capital train back to Health Services/Jubilee Station. I think it was after that that I saw a seagull despite the sea being a long ways away. At a McDonald's at 80 and Gateway I overheard a guy with his daughter(?) mention (on the phone I think) that he was sick. I finished the rest of my dinner quickly and returned to the hostel.

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