Friday, February 12, 2021

Eastern Canada Trip 2019 Day 6 September 12 Montreal and Quebec City

This is the sixth in a series of posts covering my trip to Eastern Canada in September 2019, adapting emails originally sent to friends. I use NOW to refer to any updates since I did the trip.

As before, not doing accents unless they get autocorrected in. Got up before 6 to study plans for today, then had breakfast a same McDonald's as yesterday lunch. Different machine and didn't print receipt.Walked along rue Ste-Catherine and looked at dog sculptures including one that looked like it was about to poop. One guy shouted,  "Hey dude! have a good day!" I shouted back "You too!" which he seemed to appreciate. Got a little turned around reaching Le gare d'autocars but I recalled seeing it on Ontario St yesterday so found it soon enough. Was concerned because the line was a lot longer than expected but it turns out it was for two buses going to different locations so I still got a decent seat on the Orléans Express. 

[NOW: I added the accents in for this blog post where applicable]

The other bus took off on time but my bus left 9 minutes late as the driver was talking to two other guys. Camera blurred more than I'd have liked so had to occasionally turn it off and one to correct. On the way over a woman on the radio kept saying something accompanied by very forced but loud male laughter. There was one stop in Drummondville, than an earlier stop in Quebec City (hereafter called Quebec this report) before finally reaching Le Gare du Palais in Quebec. For both Quebec stops the driver only announced in French.
[NOW: Most of the muincipalities between Montreal and Quebec City have Saint/e in their name.]

I got off and went to the Couche Tard, the French version of Mac's, still with the owl so not Circle K. I did my best to ask for a daypass in French. The guy said, "At least you tried. You did pretty good, actually." I also grabbed a pocket map.

It took a bit to get my bearings (first time in Quebec) then I went to rue St-Jean and visited Librairie Pantoute (Books), off to the side Libraire Première Issue (comics), Libraire Compte du Livre (movies and music; bought a bunch of francophone DVDs; this place wasn't on itinerary but glad I visited), Libraire St-Jean Baptiste (books), Librarie Laforce (comics),  Libraire Nelligan (books); going my memory; some sore types might be off. Also visited CD Mélomane then on rue Cartier visited Bouquinerie 4 Seasons (book store slightly larger than a typical closet),  Le  Bouquinerie du Cartier (books).

I noticed that my pocket map was missing as one one printed map, but found the bus stop anyway and took the 800 bus to the mall Place du Cité (all buses within Quebec are RTC). After a quick check of the mall decided I wasn't interested in any mall stores so skipped two. I walked to VidéoDrome but it wasn't open yet. I walked to Librarie La Liberté which was in a construction site (another theme this trip) but I somehow made it to this bookstore.
[NOW: RTC is short for Le Réseau de transport de la Capitale. VidéoDrome has closed.]

I walked to the nearest bus stop south of the construction and took an 801 bus to Université du Laval and took it to a stop that should have been near a CD store but wasn't. I also noticed that a bus that was supposed to connect didn't. I later realized that I somehow got wrong info from Google and this bus ran parallel but further away from where I needed to be. I decided the CD place was forfeit but I did get DVDs from Vidéo Centre-Ville. My bag didn't beep on the way in but did on the way out creating confusion especially with language barrier. He finally asked to see my bag so I showed him the earlier purchases so that satisfied him. 

The 1 bus I had intended to take was not due for 17 minutes according to a screen so I walked a little ways and took another 18  bus back to Palais du Gare, where I grabbed another map. I had a late lunch at the McDonald's on St-Jean. Kiosk printed the receipt. 

I visited the outside of much of the old town and vicinity including Hotel de Ville, a lookout with a view of the water, the Plains of Abraham, La Citadelle which was partly blocked by construction, the Fortifications (basically the top of the wall that surrounds much of the old town, a staircase leading to a tackier area and whatever else I felt like photographing.
[NOW: I realized later that the Plains weren't where I thought they were so I didn't actually make it to them this trip.\

Returning to Le Palais du Gare, I got a sandwich from Couche-Tard. When the Oreléans Express bus arrived I could have grabbed the front seat but certain electronics were forbidden that seat so I erred on the side of caution and moved further back. At the other Quebec stop (Sainte-Foy) a guy sat beside me and apparently obliviously elbowed me from time to time as he did his thing. Ate the steak sandwich while taking photos. Mostly spam, blech.

It eventually became too dark to take clear photos for the most part. Most people got off at Longueuil, perhaps taking the metro from there. I got off at La gare d'autocars in Montreal. I briefly got turned around but corrected and worked my way through the occasional construction to Auberge Bishop. Right before I arrived someone right behind me should "I hate pickles!" Me too actually but I wasn't going to go scare strangers with that profound revelation

[NOW: Auberge Bishop has closed.]

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